Lumen Gentium Forum
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Dr. Cecil Chabot is a scholar and social entrepreneur whose work explores ...
Emeritus Coordinator
Peter O'Brien was the founding Chair of the CAPP-Canada group. He holds an LLL from Université...
Team Member
Nicole Scheidl, LLB, LLM, is the CEO and co-founder of Fit Minds, a Canadian company providing cognitive...
CEO of St. Martin and Associates Inc., through which he has founded and developed multiple...
Danielle Morin is a Full Professor of Business Statistics in the department of Supply Chain and...
Episcopal Counsellor
Archbishop Lépine has had many years of experience as a pastor and teacher. Ordained a priest in...
Cory Andrew Labrecque, PhD, is Associate Professor of Bioethics and Theological Ethics...
Bio to follow.
Director of Communications (Acting)
Graduated from Loyola High School, Vanier College, and Concordia University where he...
Having recently been appointed the first executive director of the Saint Monica Institute...