On June 20-24, Canadian members of the CAPP Foundation and guests attended the Foundation's annual international Conference at the Vatican City. At the request of the Holy Father, this year's theme was Generative Artificial Intelligence and Technocratic paradigm: How to promote the wellbeing of humanity, care for nature and a world of peace.
The Canadian delegation included (from left to right, below): Paul Mullen, CAPP-Canada Coordinator Danielle Morin, Monir Wahhab, Marc St. Martin, and April St. Martin.
On the first day, participants heard reports from CAPP Chapters from around the world on their last year's activities. Danielle Morin, one of the two coordinators of CAPP-Canada, presented the Canadian report. Other delegates expressed keen interest in CAPP-Canada's new Lumen Gentium Forum, and its September 2024 launch.
The second day began with a meditation by Archbishop Claudio M. Celli , CAPP's International Ecclesiastical Counsellor, and an opening address by Professor Anna Maria Tarantola, Chairwoman of CAPP. Four keynote speakers and a series of panel discussions delved into the emerging impacts, challenges and opportunities with regard to artificial intelligence and human and natural flourishing. Very interesting conversations followed. On that evening, CAPP held a banquet reception where participants had more opportunities to mingle and get to know colleagues from other chapters.
The highlight of the conference was certainly the private audience with Pope Francis. Danielle Morin commented: "he reminded us that the whole sector of education, training and communication needs to initiate a coordinated process to expand knowledge and awareness about the correct use of AI and to teach future generations, from childhood on, how to evaluate those tools. Each one of us shook the hand of the Holy Father and assured him of our prayers. It was an amazing experience!"